Many in our group are away to cooler places, to other homes, to be with families. We pray they stay well and will return to Shepherd with new ideas and a feeling of urgency to get back to serving the women, children and youth in our area and in other places.
Those who remain here are enjoying the fellowship of “Let’s Go to Lunch,” a once-a-month get together at Betty’s Rooste. In July, Pastor Daniel joined the ladies with the purpose of getting to know us and learn about our many service projects and other activities that we participate in; and those in conjunction with the congregation, such as our Mission Candle.
Summer is a good time for our members to participate in the UWF Reading Program. It’s too hot to be outside, so why not pick up a good book and learn about many of the issues the national organization is striving to help with. There is a section in our library with books that are educational and also “good reads.” We encourage all our members to read at least five books each year.
Our spring special offering called “Prayer and Self Denial,” whose gifts this year supports our campaign to “Interrupt the School to Prison Pipeline” netted $812. We thank all those that chose to support this important offering.
One summer project we are participating in is the collecting of empty, clean, label-less pill bottles that will be sent to the Matthew 25 Ministries. The purpose of this organization is based on MATTHEW 25:40. It provides nutritional food to the hungry, clean water to the thirsty, clothing to the naked, affordable shelter to the homeless, medical care to the ill and humanitarian supplies to those in need. The pill bottles are for inclusion in shipments of medical supplies. It fulfills the dual needs of improving medical care in developing countries and caring for the environment. If you would like to help us with our project, just keep your clean pill bottles (take the labels off) until October and we will gather them from you. For further information, contact Sandy B.
Our Circles:
Sew Happy circle has been at work at home, making masks for United Methodist Outreach Ministries, Justa Center, and our church and staff. If you like to sew, and want to join us in this work, please contact the church office at or 623-584-2280 and ask to be connected to the Sew Happy Circle!
Julie K. Receives UMW 2021 Mission Pin
The close of one year and the beginning of another is a good time to reflect on people who have made a difference in our lives and in the community. There’s likely someone you know whose service to the church or community has gone uncelebrated, or whose advocacy has led to change for women, children and youth. A great way to honor this person is through United Methodist Women Special Mission recognition. This recognition is one of the 5 channels of mission giving and each person that receives this recognition is awarded a pin and certificate.
Today’s recipient was brought up in church. Her love for Jesus and the Bible have gone through many phases. She is a retired nursing instructor and had a reputation of being uncompromising in patient care.
She arrived at Shepherd and became in November of 2017 and immediately became involved with the Church and Society and UMW. She also now serves on the Mission and Education Committees. She has been one of the individuals who has been a rock that our Care Ministry is built on. She is a congregational care minister.
It is a great pleasure to award this Mission Pin to Julie K.
Julie K. (left) & President, Sandy B.
A Special Mission Recognition pin to Maleta C.
Special Mission Recognition is one of the United Methodist Women’s five channels of Mission giving. It is a way to honor those who serve and to show our love and appreciation for all they have done.
Maleta has a long history at Shepherd. She joined this congregation in 1989. In the same group with our always admired Pastor Franklin Green.
Her dedication to God and her church family has been shown in many ways. She was a Stephen Minister and Leader and chaired this program with her husband. She has been chairman of the Education Committee and Chairman of the Foundation.
She served on the Health and Welfare Committee and was President of the Singles Group. For many years she has been a dedicated member of the UMW and has served on the Team for over five years.
This Christian woman has inspired us with her special devotions and prayers. She helps us center in our faith before Team meetings and at all of our UMW luncheons. She brings calm when we especially need it. This congregation and especially we in UMW thank her for her devoted service. She is an outstanding example of true Christian love and faith.
Maleta C., is our Mission Coordinator for Spiritual Growth.